Purpose of Just Scripture
Just Scripture enables groups of Christians from across the world to meet online to study the Bible together. Its purpose is to:
- build relationships between churches
- equip and encourage us to be people who challenge injustice
- strengthen our collective prophetic voice
A typical session involves
- Two groups (one from the UK, one from the Global South) join online via zoom.
- An opening act of worship and introductions to the context of each group.
- A chosen passage is read aloud in each language represented
- Each group discusses the passage, then joins in plenary to share insights. A commitment to action is identified
- A closing blessing is given
Ongoing partnership
We strongly encourage churches who participate in Just Scripture to do so as part of an ongoing relationship between the two church groups. While it is possible to run a single Just Scripture session; the ideal is a longer series. We normally encourage groups to commit to an initial series of three Just Scripture sessions.
Session facilitation
It is perfectly possible to lead / facilitate a Just Scripture session yourself. We have written outline sessions and these can be followed by anyone who has experience of leading a small group. They can be can be accessed by completing the form opposite, ticking 'Viewing Just Scripture resources' and then click SUBMIT.
Having said that, cross cultural bible study is different. Therefore, we have also provided some guidance on leading a cross-cultural bible study and will be running some equipping days. Dates for these will be appear below in due course.
If you are keen to take part in Just Scripture but would like someone from Christian Aid to facilitate / lead, perhaps the first session in a series, then this might also be possible. Please contact us to request this support churches@christian-aid.org
Finding a partner church
If you or your church are keen to take part in Just Scripture but do not already have a connection with a church group in another part of the world then please get in touch with us, and we can see if we can introduce you to another church that is also keen to take part in Just Scripture.
Having said that, it is often much better if you develop the relationship using links you already have in your church. Such connections may not have been formalised previously, and you may not have run intercultural bible studies before, but they might still exist. For instance, you may have links to churches / church groups in other parts of the world through:
- Churches / locations that members of your congregation have visited
- Friendships that have developed because people from other churches have visited you
- Relatives or extended family of people in your church
- Formal links through your diocese / district / region etc.
Anna-Jane, a minister from Wales, talks of her experience with Just Scripture
Theologians from Christian Aid and Tearfund discuss James 5:1-6 as part of our Just Scripture programme
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Youth activists exploring Just Scripture
Davina Bacon, Prophetic Activist Alumni, discusses her experience of a UK/Kenya Just Scripture session with the Christian Aid Collective.
It was really inspirational to have these deeply challenging conversations alongside other young Christians, both those from across the UK and those from Kenya - though we have all had different life experiences, we came together to seek biblical justice in a way that I would love to see more of from the global church. I learnt a lot and value having had the opportunity to learn from such a range of perspectives.
UK - Latin America Just Scripture October 2021
Participants from the Young Christian Climate Network met in Edinburgh ahead of COP 26 with young activists from across Latin America who had been gathered by the ecumenical organisation, CREAS
One of the CREAS participants wrote an account of the session (in Spanish), and translations of some of her reflections are reproduced below (in English)
The voice of God demands that the people be accountable to creation and the responsibility we have for it, how we have cared for it and used it for our benefit.
We must learn to live in harmony with nature, live with what we really need and not overexploit what we have been given.
The passage invites us to be responsible for what God has given us. We are part of Creation and we live with it and give thanks for it.
Church of Scotland Faith Impact Forum - November-December 2020
The recurring theme of a different way of thinking and the need for a paradigm shift. How do we build back better?
[It’s] counter cultural, inversion of power and the worldly understanding of what power is. The church must speak out, not what they think people want to hear, rather what is right.
Christian Aid Churches Consultation - October 2020
Leaders and representatives from Christian Aid’s 41 sponsoring denominations joined us online for a Just Scripture series ahead of our AGM.
They were joined by three of our global partners:
- Revd Felibien Ndintore, Province de l’Eglise Anglicane du Burundi
- Dr Sushant Agrawal, Director the Church’s Auxiliary for Social Action (CASA), India
- Alejandro Aleman, Centro Humboldt Nicaragua
All sessions were facilitated by Christian Aid staff.
The sessions looked at the Lord’s Prayer, Naboth’s Vineyard, and the story of Ruth. There were many insights and reflections shared, which will help to shape our work going forward. A few of the reflections were:
When things go wrong the poor always suffer most!
Now is a ‘Kairos’ moment – Covid has both highlighted inequalities but connected us with each other in a unique way.
Lent Just Scripture session 2019
As part of the 2019 Lent and Easter Appeal, a group of supporters in Manchester connected with our partner ICODE in the Philippines. They discussed Romans 8: 18-25 in the context of climate change. Here's what they thought:
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What a vicarious moment of sharing experiences. We are one in our advocacy for a just world. So grateful for this privilege moment. Never have we done Bible Sharing across the seas before. One global village through e-platform. So wonderful.
There is a feeling amongst us all that we have been truly blessed through those two hours this morning.

Haiti – Crewe Connection January 2018
Manochia, a youth member at local, faith-based partner MISSEH, took part in a virtual biblical exchange with Christian Aid volunteers in preparation for Christian Aid Week.
The youth in Haiti and Christian Aid volunteers in Crewe, England, chose a passage on displacement - John 17:6-19 – as the subject of their discussions. Both groups discussed their thoughts on the passage, including its invitation to see displacement as finite. A reminder that, although we are in this world, our home is secure in one another and in Christ. The youth in Haiti described the exchange as useful, interesting and fun.
We are one and so our home is with each other
Malawi - Tetbury Connection Harvest 2017
The session began with a prayer and introductions. There were 12 men and women in the Malawi group, from all denominations, including 2 pastors and 1 bishop. Songs were sung and exchanged, from one group to the other. The bishop then read the Bible passage.

A member of their group and ours summarised the discussion and posted it on Skype as we went along, meaning we could respond to each other’s thoughts. At the end, we said the Lord’s Prayer together. It worked well and was quite moving. Our group were very positive about the experience and keen to try it again