I am the Christian Aid organiser for Buchlyvie Parish Church in Stirlingshire. It has concerned me that over the last two years, when Covid prevented us from doing door-to-door collections, our donations to Christian Aid had dropped.
Inspired by hearing how other churches had taken on various fundraising initiatives, I committed to doing something different in 2022. With a damaged right knee I initially rejected undertaking the Glasgow Kiltwalk. But when I reflected on the impact of the amazing generosity of Sir Tom Hunter through his Foundation to ‘top up’ every single donation by 50% it seemed to be a ‘no brainer' not to enter the Glasgow Kiltwalk in April.
I signed up and advised my church community that I would be doing this for Christian Aid as my chosen charity in the hope that I could encourage others to walk with me. No one took on the challenge, but in the end that did not matter, as the congregation got behind me and sponsored me generously. My JustGiving page took off and friends and family supported me too. My initial target of £800 was soon exceeded and then my second target of £1,000 was passed.

In the end I was able to raise the staggering total of £1,600 which with the uplift became £2,415. I was indeed humbled by the generosity and support I received.
The chat and banter along the way, along with supporters lining the route kept us all going and the miles soon clocked up. I met some very interesting folk and the atmosphere was so upbeat- all of us out there walking to benefit our chosen charity. The sunny day did help but I doubt rain would have dampened our spirits.
I did have doubts that I would manage the distance of 14.2 miles but those doubts were unfounded. Taking it an easy pace made all the difference and we were so well looked after at the various ‘rest stops’ – one every 4 miles. Lidl had kindly sponsored the refreshments and there was plenty of water, juice, fruit and snacks at each stop. You didn’t need to have taken any of your own refreshments!