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Harvest Appeal

Use our Harvest toolkit to plan and celebrate Harvest in your school

The materials below have been developed each year to help pupils explore topics linked to the Christian Aid Harvest Appeal . These resources, although referencing specific appeals, can be used and adapted for your school context to develop a Harvest-themed celebration and to provide teaching and learning  activities around the issues of climate justice, inclusion, organic farming, solar energy, community, adaptation and resilience. By engaging with the stories below, pupils can learn that wherever we live, we are all global neighbours. We can stand together to transform our world.

Welsh Language versions for some of our resources are available below. 

Harvest Toolkit: Food Glorious (organic) Food

These classroom activities introduce pupils to the themes of inclusion and exclusion, hospitality and generosity.

Frank and the Pea stalk

Read our special 2017 Harvest story ‘Frank and the Pea Stalk’

Harvest 2017 Assembly

Download our 2017 Harvest assembly for schools.

Harvest Toolkit Assembly: Harvesting Sunlight

Use this to introduce your pupils to Agar in Ethiopia - whose family is using solar power for the good of their health and the climate.

Drink From The Well: Harvest assembly

Download our Harvest assembly for primary and secondary schools

Welsh Language Harvest Resources

Harvest Toolkit: Assembly - Welsh

Use this to introduce your pupils to Agar in Ethiopia - whose family is using solar power for the good of their health and the climate.

Harvest Toolkit: Assembly PowerPoint - Welsh

A slideshow to accompany the Harvest assembly.

Harvest Toolkit: Collective Worship Ideas - Welsh

A few ideas to explore during whole school or class collective worship