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39 resources for "conflict"

Showing 1 - 18. Show all results

Corporate profiles - Nigeria

Christian Aid has been working in Nigeria since 2003. Click to see Nigeria's Corporate Profile at a glance.

ECODiN factsheet

The devastating effects of multi-dimensional climate impact, natural and human-induced disasters, and resource-based violent conflicts cannot be overemphasised in northwest Nigeria.

Wheat Out-Grower Project - Nigeria

The Wheat Out-grower concept boosts wheat production among women and youth in conflict-affected areas, improving household income and resilience.

Summoning the future or posturing in the present?

The UK Government has a unique responsibility to address today’s global debt crisis, as the majority of debts owed by low-income countries to private creditors are governed by English law. Find out more in this briefing.

Host a Tinderbox screening

Watch this powerful film with your church and catalyse action for a just peace.

Call to Parties - General Election 2024


Peace: capability statement

Explore how Christian Aid is driving peacebuilding and conflict prevention globally, tackling the root causes of conflict and promoting systemic change and accountability for lasting peace.

Peace Mural and Poetry Reflection

A non-faith specific reflective activity helping children to reflect on and explore their feelings around the war and conflict.

Peace Mural Reflective Prayer

Use this activity either in a class or collective worship settings, to help children process their feelings about war and conflict.

Pray for Ukraine downloadable placard

You can download this placard to share your moment of solidarity on social media.

Will your church join with us in prayer on Sunday 26 February?

We are inviting churches from across Britain and Ireland to join together in an act of witness to pray for Ukraine.

A prayer for the 1 year anniversary of the war in Ukraine - Ukrainian

Download this prayer in Ukrainian

A prayer for the one year anniversary of the war in Ukraine

Download this prayer in English

Violence, peace and drugs in the borderlands

This consortium project has been engaging with the question of how war economies can be transformed into peace economies in drugs-affected borderlands experiencing, or recovering from, armed conflict.

Tipping Point report

This report explores how the Covid-19 pandemic threatens to push the world's poorest to the brink of survival.

Development of Inclusive Markets to Build Peace in Colombia

Development of Inclusive Markets to Build Peace in Colombia

Understanding change and peacebuilding in a Colombian human rights NGO

How has the Theory of Change of Colombian human rights NGO the Inter-Church Justice & Peace Commission, changed in response to the 2016 Peace Accord?

Illicit drugs and tough trade-offs in war-to-peace transitions

Millions of marginalised people rely on illicit drug economies for survival. It is time to end the separation of drugs policy and development policy.