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1096 resources

Showing 1 - 18.

Christian Aid Global Results 2023/24

Assessing progress towards our global strategy outcomes throughout 2023/24.

9 Lessons and Carols

A service of nine lessons and carols for the festive season.

9 Lessons and Carols (Welsh)

A Welsh-language service of nine lessons and carols for the festive season.

Advent and Christmas Prayer Sheet

A prayer sheet for Advent and Christmas 2024.

Advent and Christmas Prayers (Welsh)

A Welsh-language collection of Advent and Christmas Prayers.

All Age Service Ideas

English-language service ideas for all ages.

All Age Service Ideas (Welsh)

Welsh-language service ideas for all ages.

All Age Service PowerPoint (Welsh)

A Welsh-language service PowerPoint for all ages.

All Age Worship PowerPoint

A PowerPoint for your All Age Service.

When out of poverty (Welsh)

Pan Aned Gynt Mewn Tlodi. Artistiad: Meilyr Geraint a Cadi Gwyn. Geiriau Saesneg gwreiddiol: Kathy Galloway.

Climate Feelings

Climate Feelings is an all-age resource to help promote emotional understanding and resilience in the face of climate change.

ITL Bamboo Project, Malawi

Read about phase 2 of our ITL project in Malawi

ITL Mothers Cow Project

Read about phase 2 of our ITL project in Zimbabwe

Assessing the effectiveness of Christian Aid’s livelihood intervention model: A comparative study to highlight successes, challenges

Our comparative study showed that overall, those involved in Christian Aid's livelihood intervention model demonstrated better livelihood outcomes than those in the same area, but not involved in the model.

Baking Baku: The economic impact of climate change on Eastern Europe

A new report shows Azerbaijan, COP29 host, faces Eastern Europe’s highest economic risk from climate change.

Putting our money where our mouth is

Why we need to shift towards public, grant-based climate finance to meet the needs of the world’s most vulnerable countries.

Advent Sermon Notes

Sermon Notes for Advent 2024.

Advent sermon notes (Welsh)

Advent sermon notes for Christmas 2024 (Welsh language).