Rev Dr Lydia Mwaniki
Rev Dr Lydia Mwaniki has spent her life assuaging her mother’s disappointment. In her role as the Director of Theology, Family Life and Gender Justice at the All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC), she is a gender justice champion in Kenya and across the African Union.
Lydia’s is a prominent voice on gender-based violence, advocating for women’s access to health services including sexual and reproductive health in church and community. As an ordained priest, she ably counters biblical interpretations which reinforce gender disparities in church and society.

When my mother was pregnant, she prayed that if her baby was a boy, she would dedicate him fully to God’s service. Sadly for her, I was born a girl and she was a little disappointed.

Rev Marion Chatterley
In 1986, Rev Marion Chatterley met a homeless young man in Edinburgh who had drunk bleach to cleanse himself of his recent HIV diagnosis.
That encounter inspired Marion to find work with an HIV prevention initiative, working with street prostitutes. After her ordination in 1998 she became chaplain at Milestone House, a specialist hospice and care facility for people living with HIV.
Many of the early diagnoses of HIV in Edinburgh were among women, many infected through a positive partner. Women having the power to negotiate safe-sex is a constant challenge both in Scotland and globally.
I offer unconditional care and respect to people who often find themselves disrespected and I try to offer people a glimpse of God's love for them.