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I was inspired to join Faith into Action by the desire to be a part of something greater than myself.  Spaces like these are incredibly useful for reflection and learning, which you can use to improve yourself as an action taker.

- Ian Bell (pictured).

Put Faith into Action

Hosted by the Christian Aid Campaigns Team, each month we gather as a community to explore how we can help bring the changes our global neighbours are pushing for.  

Coming up: Monday 10 February

We're giving you a sneak peek into our new climate and debt justice campaign! Find out how you can get involved.   

Whether you’re curious, taking your first steps or a long-time action taker, you’re invited. 


Monday 10 March: Campaigning and Christian Aid Week

Monday 14 April: The power of storytelling

Faith into Action takes place every month for 1 hour online. Register now. 

Accessibility: live transcription will be available in this session.

The details you have provided will be used to send a monthly invitation to Faith into Action.

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Get inspired and equipped to put faith into action

Watch our Faith in Action videos and use the bible studies to inspire your church.