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Breaking Bread Guide

Follow in Jesus’ footsteps. Break bread with your people in power.

Act on Poverty short course

A 2 hour course to help you and your church explore what it means to act on poverty.

Talking climate justice

A toolkit for kickstarting climate justice conversations with your church.

Host a Tinderbox screening

Watch this powerful film with your church and catalyse action for a just peace.

Faith in action films

A series of short films to aid reflection and inspire action in your church.

Act on Poverty: 6 week course

A 6 week course to help you and your church explore what it means to act on poverty.

Climate Emergency Toolkit

A practical guide to help your church declare a climate emergency.

A Just Peace

Order or download our booklet exploring the path to peace in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory
Looking for physical copies?

Get in touch with our campaigns team if you want to order physical copies of our resources.