Together we pressured the G8 to cancel billions of dollars of debt owed by low-income countries.
Together we helped create the Fairtrade movement, that’s benefited farmers across the globe.
Together we’ve spoken truth to power and called out injustices that trap people in poverty.
This Christian Aid Week, we need you again.
For too long the UK government has backed reckless polluters and greedy lenders. Corporations whose actions are fuelling the climate and debt crises that are robbing people of their futures and trapping people in poverty, like Amelia and Aurelia. This must stop.
This Christian Aid Week, we’re calling on the UK government to make polluters pay for the climate crisis and introduce new debt justice laws that force greedy private lenders to cancel or renegotiate debt owed by low-income countries.
You can make this happen.
We believe in the unstoppable power of hope, and we’ve seen that when we stand united, we’re stronger than ever.
Together we we can play our part in God’s work to restore creation and see the flourishing of all people.
Sign the petition.