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Oh! loving Creator, God of many names
You continually give life to this vast forest, with a diversity of lives above the ground and roots, bio and mineral species under the ground.
You pour the waters and dig - for Your own enjoyment - the mighty Amazon River whose muddy waters guarantee life of children and creatures, villages, quilombos and cities.


  • Our life is threatened by the lust of those who do not see life but only profit
  • they don't know they are part of Creation, they think they own it

Oh! beautiful God Creator

  • with burned forests and fallen trees they want to erase Your presence
  • with mining and hydropower they want to usurp Your power

They don’t know limit or fragility

  • They build roads that cut forests: they rip Your heart from the body of the earth


  • with the ashes of the burns in the eyes of frogs, turtles and alligators Your eyes are blurry; 
  • on the wings of toucans, owls and blackbirds that find no landing Your arm is paralyzed;
  • as Tucunarés, Pintados and Arowanas in the dead waters Your legs are immobilized;
  • as dolphin, jaguar and monkey no longer find their nest, Creation can no longer find Your lap and rest.

Oh! God of justice 
You have become disguised as progress, destruction hides Your beauty ripping apart our delight and our life.

Do not allow Yours, our home to be invaded and looted!
Let the merciless wicked not hurt our precious land 
They cut down the Samaumas, the Jacaranda and the Andyrobe trees making Your land and your children cry out and dry up.

Oh! God of hope
You who love justice and simple people

  • Don't let us fear the enemy who with pen scribbles wants to decree the death of our forest.
  • Don't let us fear the white collar enemies, architecting plans to cheapen and steal Your creation as a commodity. GIVE US HOPE!

Oh! God of radical solidarity
We Amazon peoples, Indigenous, Quilombolas, Caboclos and Riverside Your children of the forests and rivers,
we call upon your protection and cry out:
Do not delay in overthrowing the wicked.
Make us brave, organized and creative to defend our common home
And teach us to be part of your creation, to take care, fight and resist.

Oh! God in full love
hand to hand we raise our lives in prophecy:
in solidarity, strength and bravery of all creatures,
sons and daughters of the Amazonia