As we celebrate the coming of the Light of the World, we take the time to reflect and pray for our brothers and sisters around the world.
For each Sunday of Advent, as you light a candle on your Advent Wreath, we have produced a short reflective video, and a prayer from around the country.
You can sign up to receive these videos in your inbox via the sign-up form below.
The first Sunday of Advent
A prayer of hope
All-Creative God
We thank you for the many varied colours and textures
That make up the warp and weft of your creation.
We are grateful for the beauty and diversity that surround us,
Weaving us together with every living thing.
Bind us together with our global neighbours,
Women like Morsheda, in Bangladesh,
Stitching hope into every layer of her material
And drawing her community together
In a beautiful patchwork of voices and possibilities.
We long for a world where women have choices
And the means and opportunity to craft rich and dignified lives
for themselves and their families,
Where their dreams are heard and heeded:
Full education, reliably livelihoods, equal opportunities,
So their lights can shine brightly.
We celebrate that You make all things new.
We are thankful for ancient art forms that bring new hope for the future.
Call us to our place in Your tapestry
That the threads of our lives might reveal Your glory,
As we hope for a new world of creativity and possibility.
The second Sunday of Advent
A prayer of peace
Creator God, we give thanks for the passion and creativity of change-makers like Kakoli.
We pray that she and her business may continue to flourish. May she receive encouragement, and be an encouragement, to all those with whom she works.
May, we too, discover the unique creativity you have placed within each one of us.
May we be bold to answer your call and step out in new directions.
We ask that we might find joy and fulfilment in creating a better future not just for our local community but for our global neighbours too.
As we celebrate the coming of the Prince of Peace let us be people who dare to pray for peace in our conflict-torn world.
Help us to be people who break down walls that create division.
Give us your strength to work for peace and flourishing with others.
Jesus, your light shines brilliantly and expands our understanding of ourselves and our world.
Illumine in our hearts and radiate through our lives, that we may be people of peace, hope, joy and love.
The third Sunday of Advent
A prayer of joy
God of creation, wonderful are Your works.
Give us divine inspiration to create and grant us the wisdom to bless our world with our talents and gifts.
May we not only build with our hands but with our hearts, communities of love where compassion leads.
We pray that Your light in us reflects your glory and draws humanity together in unity.
We pray for the grace to find joy in connection, as we forsake barriers of class, gender and race, and pursue peace with all.
God of light, give courage and boldness to those in need, so they may shine as cities on hills.
As we set our gaze on your brilliance, help us to look beyond our shortcomings and find our light in Your light.
May Your joy flood our hearts and remove any fears and anxieties about the state of our world.
May Your joy restore our hope in society.
May Your joy empower us to be the light of the world and make a difference.
In Jesus’ name,
The fourth Sunday of Advent
A prayer of love
When the light came into the world, darkness attempted to overcome it
And so weeping was heard in Ramah, Herod trying to kill the newborn King.
Today where light is revealed in the world, darkness still tries to overcome it
But instead of weeping we raise our voices in prayer and trust in the living King.
For the light of God has come into the world and has been guided into our hearts,
So that when weeping is heard around us and injustice seen amongst us,
We reveal the light of God in a world of darkness and seek to overcome it
In acts of neighbourliness and showing love and kindness to one another.
And with the light of God within, we touch people and lands far beyond us.
May the cry of the oppressed be heard and the weeping turn to joy.
May the Spirit of the Light that has come into the world take this groaning from darkness
And stir our hearts to be God’s hands and God's feet reaching out to those that need us.
May light and love be with us all.
This Christmas, churches around the UK are supporting Christian Aid by singing carols and fundraising*. If you’ve been inspired by the stories of the women you’ve seen, join them.
As we celebrate the coming of the Light of the World by lighting a candle on our Advent Wreaths, join us on our weekly email journey to receive stories from Bangladesh and suggestions to maximise your fundraising plans as a church.
You’ll find out how Aid Comilla has supported a whole community of women to use their skills to gain ownership over their own money and lives.
We're here to support you every step of the way!
Shine your light in your own communities and make a difference to young women's lives.
Be sure to also come back to this Advent page every Sunday for a weekly prayerful reflection.
Find out more about how Christian Aid is spreading hope, peace, joy and love this Christmas.