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Christian Aid Week
  • Advice for treasurers

    Counting, banking and reporting the money raised is a vitally important part of your Christian Aid Week activities! Here's our advice on everything treasurers need to know which includes some coronavirus safety measures.

    Information for treasurers
  • Book sales

    Some churches and groups have been running book sales during Christian Aid Week for more than 30 years! They are a tried and tested way of engaging your local community and raising funds. Book sales can be a flexible format - you can combine them with other community and fundraising events. For one supporting church, their sale is part of a Book Festival, with workshops and talks; for another, it is an opportunity to sell artwork in addition to books. 

    Find out how to run a book sale
  • Church collection

    Church collections are an amazing way you can support Christian Aids Work. Read on for our top tips on organising a service and how to find further support. 

    Find out more
  • What are house-to-house collections

    House-to-house collections involve members of the church or local community delivering envelopes to homes in the local area and calling back to see if a homeowner would like to make a donation.

    Christian Aid has a special license that covers this activity and house-to-house collections have been a key way the church community has supported us in fundraising and raising awareness since their first inception during the 1950s.

    Over the years house-to-house collections have raised tens of millions of pounds for some of the poorest communities in the world each May. At over 60 years old Christian Aid week is the longest-running fundraising week in the UK. For many supporters, house-to-house collecting is an important part of their churches mission and outreach. If you are interested in joining a collection or finding out what’s happening in your area, please contact us.

    Find out everything you need to know about house-to-house collections here
  • Data Protection guidance

    In your volunteering, you will often hold data on Christian Aid supporters: for example, the names and addresses of your collectors. As a Christian Aid volunteer, you are responsible for keeping the data you hold safely, and for meeting the GDPR regulations that came into force last year. 

    As a Christian Aid volunteer, you’re also responsible for keeping data on other supporters safely and in line with the new rules. 

    Guidance on keeping data safe
  • Digital fundraising support

    There are lots of ways you can fundraise for Christian Aid Week and online fundraising has grown in popularity in recent years. Are you curious about QR codes? Read on for advice on the different options available and how they can help you.

    Find out more
  • Evaluating your activities

    Meeting with your church or group to review your fundraising activities is really valuable.

    Here's our tips and questions to consider
  • Frequently asked questions on the doorstep

    Not sure what to say when asked for more information about Christian Aid and how we work? We’ve got answers to all the most common questions that come up on the doorstop. 

    Read the FAQs
  • Future Christian Aid Week dates

    Already looking forward to the next Christian Aid Week? Get the dates in your diary now!

    • 12-18 May 2024
    • 11-17 May 2025
    • 10-16 May 2026
    Get the dates in your diary
  • Health and safety guidelines

    Everything you need to know about keeping safe whilst collecting.

    Read our advice
  • Health and safety guidelines for events

    Many people choose to put on fundraising events in celebration of Christian Aid Week, from Big Brekkies to coffee mornings, tea dances and sponsored walks. Our advice below should help answer some of your common questions, so you can have a safe and enjoyable event. 

    Keep reading
  • Sponsored walks

    Inspired by our 70k in May challenge? Why not take it on as a group, or organise a day-long event to walk together?  

    Here are our top tips for success, including key points to remember when planning your walk. 

    Don't forget to create your 70k in May fundraising page!

    Find out how to run a sponsored walk
  • Street, station and supermarket collections

    Collecting at places locally with lots of people around can be a great way to boost your fundraising. Shopping centres, high streets, stations and supermarkets are all great places to collect, and the longer you can be there during the day, the more money you’re likely to raise. 

    Find out more
  • Our contact details

    We really value hearing from our supporters whether it’s questions about your fundraising, paying in donations, accessing our resources or feedback. Here’s the contact details for our different regional and national teams.  

    England: email or call us on 020 7523 2493 and select England

    Wales: email or call us on 029 2084 4646 

    Scotland: email or call us on 0131 220 1254 

    Northern Ireland: email or call us on 028 9064 8133 

    Republic of Ireland: email

    Get in touch
  • What are delivery-only collections?

    Delivery-only collections are a simple, contact-free way to collect donations from your community without the need to knock and collect! 

    Our specially designed delivery-only envelopes provide space to stamp, print, label or write on your envelopes to tell supporters where to drop their donation. 

    Read on for more information and resources to organise your own envelope drop-off.

    Here's everything you need to know
  • What to say when collecting

    Here’s a starting script to give you an idea of what to say when you are collecting.

    Use our handy script

Talk to us

Let us know what works in your area.

We always want to hear your ideas. If you would like to share your experiences of using these suggestions or any other ideas you may have, please contact us.

Thank you so much for all you do for Christian Aid Week.